from a belvedere

Welcome to my new blog, From a Belvedere!

Remember how much fun it was to climb high up into a tree, inching your way up the bark, grabbing one limb after another and pulling yourself as high as you dared to go? To that quiet place high in the sky where you could look out at the world all around?

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A Belvedere is a place for doing exactly that – it is a garden building, or look-out, an open-sided design that provides shelter and offers a view. My two favorite Belvederes are in the gardens of Gibraltar in Wilmington, Delaware and Versailles, France. And, George Washington’s front porch has always functioned as a belvedere for me.

I love to visit all kinds of gardens, walk the paths, breathe the aromas, meet the gardeners, learn the history of the garden and best of all, simply to view.

From a Belvedere is the path I’ve created to share my garden visits with you. My wish is for you to enjoy them too.